Then, you can head to the locked door in the warehouse and grab the Dusk Stone from the other side of this locked door. If you want to find this, you need to have the Storage Key – which you can get from a Team Galactic Grunt in front of the Galactic Veilstone Building. So… You should look to the Galactic Warehouse for a Dusk Stone instead.

You’ll need to have HM Strength and defeat the Elite Four to access this, though. You can find one of these in the northwest corner of the area – behind some Strength Boulders. The easiest place to get a Dusk Stone in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Pokemon Shining Pearl is to head to Victory Road. If you’re looking to get your hands on a Dusk Stone in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Pokemon Shining Pearl, we have everything you need to know about how you can get one. The Sinnoh region is a place we are all a little bit familiar with, however, there’s still a few secrets to uncover. Many Pokémon need certain stones and items in order to get them to evolve, while others you need to trade or take to certain places. While the game is simple enough and come out to rave reviews at that there’s a lot the game doesn’t tell you. Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Pokemon Shining Pearl have both just come out and there’s a lot on offer from these Pokemon fourth-generation remasters. Pokémon Legends: Arceus evolution items can be a little bit of a mystery. Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.If players give either of these Pokémon a Dusk Stone and then choose to evolve it, they will no longer have that item, so it is important to carefully choose which Pokémon to evolve. It is important to note that once a Pokémon is evolved using this method, it will consume the item held. Generation 2 introduced the Sun Stone, while Generation 4 added the Shiny Stone, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone and Oval Stone to the mix. Generation 1 included the Fire Stone, Water Stone, Thunder Stone, Leaf Stone and Moon Stone. Related: All Pokémon who evolve using the Metal Coat in Pokémon Legends Arceus This is a list of Pokémon that evolve by using an elemental stone item. Additionally, you have to make sure that the Pokemon has no held item for it to have a chance of picking up the item. Do remember that only Pokemon in your party has a chance of obtaining an item. Murkrow: While holding a Dusk Stone, players will have the option to evolve Murkrow into Honchkrow. Pokemon in your party with the Ability Pickup have a chance to obtain Dawn Stone after a battle.Misdreavus: While it is holding a Dusk Stone, players will be able to evolve Misdreavus into Mismagius.Some Pokémon will need to have this item for players to have them evolve. One of those conditions is holding a Dusk Stone. Some Pokémon will also need to meet certain conditions to have the ability to evolve. The original Generation 4 Pokemon games introduced three new Evolution Stones - the Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone, and Shiny Stone - to sit alongside the classic Thunder, Leaf, Fire, Water, and Moon. Pokémon will now wait to evolve until players tell it to, which can be done in the game's menu.

Instead of Pokémon automatically evolving when they complete a certain requirement, like reaching a certain level or leveling up while holding an item. Evolving Pokémon in Pokémon Legends: Arceus is a bit different than in past titles.